Oh yes sir. this has gotta be a dream. Hello, hello, anybody home? Think, McFly, think. I gotta have time to recopy it. Do your realize what would happen if I hand in my homework in your handwriting? I’d get kicked out of school. You wouldn’t want that to happen would you, would you? Precisely. Hey, not too early I sleep in on Saturday. Oh, McFly, your shoe’s untied. Don’t be so gullible, McFly. You got the place fixed up nice, McFly. I have you’re car towed all the way to your house and all you’ve got for me is light beer. What are you looking at, butthead. Say hi to your mom for me.
Calvin. God dammit, I’m late. Doc, she’s beautiful. She’s crazy about me. Look at this, look what she wrote me, Doc. That says it all. Doc, you’re my only hope. Wait a minute, wait a minute, Doc, are you telling me that you built a time machine out of a delorean. I think we need…
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