Q: Can I lose custody of my child over a social media video?
Getting divorced in Pennsylvania can be stressful. There are so many issues a couple needs to work out – – or have a judge decide for them if they are unable to come to an agreement.
At a minimum,
For those with children, divorces far more complicated as child custody, visitation and support issues must be worked out.
In the ugliest of divorces, particularly hurt or angry soon-to-be ex-spouses might admit to fantasizing in their frustration about things like dunking their soon-to-be ex-spouse’s head in a toilet bowl. Fortunately, most stable adults would not act on that fantasy. Doing
Even more horrific, is the idea that a parent might take such an action against their child. And that’s exactly what a probe is trying to determine about a mother and son in Florida.
Reportedly, a video exists of a woman “repeatedly dunking her three-year-old son’s head in a toilet and flushing it”. The video reportedly came to light when the girlfriend of the boy’s father allegedly posted it on social media, resulting in social workers and police investigating the matter and prosecutors considering bringing charges. The mother defended her actions, reportedly claiming that the video was “taken out of context”.
Family law attorneys frequently advise their clients to be very careful with what they do, say, record, and post on social media as it may impact various areas of their post-divorce life, including child custody.
If you are considering getting divorced in Pennsylvania, or have any questions regarding a family law matter, the Law Office of Gary R. Swavely, Jr. can help you. Contact us today to request a consultation.
From our office in Reading, Pennsylvania, we represent clients in all areas of family law in Berks and the surrounding counties of Pennsylvania.